Results for 'Grace Mae Flores'

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  1.  20
    Knowledge, opinions and experiences of researchers regarding ethical regulation of biomedical research in Benin: a cross-sectional study.Martial Boko, Fernand Aimé Guédou, Grâce Quenum & Flore Gangbo - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundEthics in biomedical research is still a fairly new concept in Africa. This work aims to assess the knowledge, attitude and experiences of Beninese researchers with regard to the national ethical regulatory framework of biomedical research in Benin.MethodsThis was a cross-sectional and descriptive study, involving all the researchers fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Data were collected through a face-to-face interview using a questionnaire and analysed. Proportions and means were calculated with their confidence intervals and standard deviations, respectively.ResultsOf the 110 participants included (...)
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    Determination of the prevalence of depression among the elderly using the Geriatric Depression Scale.Valentin Mary Grace, Aguirre Karla Mae, Ante Kristina, Calderon Carlos Miguel, Cunanan Andrea Tracy, Lim Hannah Lorraine, Malasan Funny Jovis, Manlutac Katrina Chelsea, Novilla Danielle Ann, Oliveros Marianne, Wee Edwin Monico & Quilala Peter - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  3. Love vs. money : understanding unique challenges in care workers' labor organizing.Grace Flores-Robles & Ana P. Gantman - 2023 - In Matthew Lindauer, James R. Beebe & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Advances in Experimental Political Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury.
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  4. Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design.Terry Winograd & Fernando Flores - 1987 - Addison-Wesley.
    Understanding Computers and Cognition presents an important and controversial new approach to understanding what computers do and how their functioning is related to human language, thought, and action. While it is a book about computers, Understanding Computers and Cognition goes beyond the specific issues of what computers can or can't do. It is a broad-ranging discussion exploring the background of understanding in which the discourse about computers and technology takes place. Understanding Computers and Cognition is written for a wide audience, (...)
  5. Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Re-Thinking Trans Oppression and Resistance.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2014 - Signs 39 (2):383-406.
  6. "Trans Women and the Meaning of ‘Woman’".Talia Mae Bettcher - 2013 - In A. Soble, N. Power & R. Halwani (eds.), Philosophy of Sex: Contemporary Readings, Sixth Edition. Rowan & Littlefield. pp. 233-250.
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    The Effect of Missing Quarterly Earnings Benchmarks on Chief Financial Officer Turnover and Annual Bonus.Ella Mae Matsumura, Jae Yong Shin & Steve Yu-Ching Wu - 2009 - Open Ethics Journal 3 (2):57-66.
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  8. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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  9. The Risk GP Model: The standard model of prediction in medicine.Jonathan Fuller & Luis J. Flores - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 54:49-61.
    With the ascent of modern epidemiology in the Twentieth Century came a new standard model of prediction in public health and clinical medicine. In this article, we describe the structure of the model. The standard model uses epidemiological measures-most commonly, risk measures-to predict outcomes (prognosis) and effect sizes (treatment) in a patient population that can then be transformed into probabilities for individual patients. In the first step, a risk measure in a study population is generalized or extrapolated to a target (...)
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  10. The Simulation Hypothesis, Social Knowledge, and a Meaningful Life.Grace Helton - 2024 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 4:447-60.
    In Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy, David Chalmers argues, among other things, that: if we are living in a full-scale simulation, we would still enjoy broad swathes of knowledge about non-psychological entities, such as atoms and shrubs; and, our lives might still be deeply meaningful. Chalmers views these claims as at least weakly connected: The former claim helps forestall a concern that if objects in the simulation are not genuine (and so not knowable), then life in the (...)
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  11. “When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of Trans Sexuality Can Teach Us About Sexual Orientation”.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2014 - Journal of Homosexuality 61 (5):605-620.
    In this article, Bettcher argues that sexual attraction must be reconceptualized in light of transgender experience. In particular, Bettcher defends the theory of “erotic structuralism,” which replaces an exclusively other-directed account of gendered attraction with one that includes a gendered eroticization of self as an essential component. This erotic experience of self is necessary for other-directed gendered desire, where the two are bound together and mutually informing. One consequence of the theory is that the controversial notion of “autogynephilia” is rejected. (...)
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  12. Hot-cold empathy gaps and the grounds of authenticity.Grace Helton & Christopher Register - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-24.
    Hot-cold empathy gaps are a pervasive phenomena wherein one’s predictions about others tend to skew ‘in the direction’ of one’s own current visceral states. For instance, when one predicts how hungry someone else is, one’s prediction will tend to reflect one’s own current hunger state. These gaps also obtain intrapersonally, when one attempts to predict what one oneself would do at a different time. In this paper, we do three things: We draw on empirical evidence to argue that so-called hot-cold (...)
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    Understanding Human Goods: A Theory of Ethics.Sophie Grace Chappell - 1998 - Edinburgh University Press.
  14. Should adopted children be granted access to the identity of their birth parents? A psychological perspective.Mark A. Nolan & Diana M. Grace - 2003 - Journal of Information Ethics 12 (1):67-79.
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    Valuing farmers in transitions to more sustainable food systems: A systematic literature review of local food producers’ experiences and contributions in short food supply chains.Grace O’Connor, Kimberley Reis, Cheryl Desha & Ingrid Burkett - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-28.
    Industrial food systems are being increasingly challenged by alternative food movements globally that advocate for better environmental, social, economic, and political outcomes as part of societal transitions to more sustainable food systems. At the heart of these transitions are local food producers operating within shorter food supply chains, their experiences, and their knowledge of ecologically sustainable food production, biodiversity and climate, and their communities. Despite their important contributions to the resilience of food systems, society and ecology, local food producers' experiences (...)
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  16. Redeeming Resentment: Nietzsche's Affirmative Riposts.Grace Hunt - 2013 - American Dialectic (No. 2/3).
  17. Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question.Grace Hunt - 2014 - Hypatia Reviews Online: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy.
    Kathryn Gines's book details Hannah Arendt 's racial and conceptual biases against Black people in the US and post-colonial Africa. Gines makes original and significant contributions to feminist philosophy by applying various feminist and anticolonial strategies, including standpoint theory and multidirectionality, to Arendt 's political essays and concepts. Feminist critiques of Arendt in general and racial critiques of "Reflections on Little Rock" in particular are not new; however, Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question offers a novel and comprehensive racial critique (...)
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  18. Trans Women and Interpretive Intimacy: Some Initial Reflections”.Talia Mae Bettcher - 2013 - In D. Castenada (ed.), The Essential Handbook of Women's Sexuality. Praeger. pp. 51-68.
  19. Partial possible models: An approach to interpret students' physical representation.Fernando Flores Camacho & Leticia Gallegos Cazares - 1998 - Science Education 82 (1):15-29.
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    Social values and teaching methods: what do Teachers need to improve from the Students's view.Diana Castro Ricalde & Díaz Flores - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):582-602.
    Introducción: Los docentes universitarios requieren nuevos saberes para enfrentar los diversos retos que plantea la educación superior; dichos desafíos se relacionan con el dominio de saberes disciplinarios, profesionales, laborales, pedagógicos y didácticos e incluso axiológicos. Lo que aquí se presenta son los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México en el periodo de enero de 2014 a abril de 2015. El objetivo: fue determinar los saberes específicos, métodos de enseñanza y valores sociales (...)
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    El sermón Dolbeau 26: Teología y pastoral en la predicación de San Agustín.Miguel Santiago Flores Colín - 2006 - Augustinus 51 (202):255-272.
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    (1 other version)Charmides.Thomas G. West, Grace Starry West & Plato - 1986 - Hackett Classics. Edited by Christopher Moore.
    A literal translation, allowing the simplicity and vigor of the Greek diction to shine through.
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    Faux Amis: Foucault and Deleuze on sexuality and desire.Wendy Grace - 2009 - Critical Inquiry 36 (1):52-75.
  24. Prediction in epidemiology and medicine.Jonathan Fuller, Alex Broadbent & Luis J. Flores - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 54:45-48.
  25. Against the very idea of a perceptual belief.Grace Helton & Bence Nanay - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy 64 (2):93-105.
    The aim of this paper is to argue that there is no unproblematic way of delineating perceptual beliefs from non-perceptual beliefs. The concept of perceptual belief is one of the central concepts not only of philosophy of perception but also of epistemology in a broad foundationalist tradition. Philosophers of perception talk about perceptual belief as the interface between perception and cognition and foundationalist epistemologists understand perceptual justification as a relation between perceptual states and perceptual beliefs. We consider three ways of (...)
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    Ethical and Clinical Considerations at the Intersection of Functional Neuroimaging and Disorders of Consciousness.Adrian C. Byram, Grace Lee, Adrian M. Owen, Urs Ribary, A. Jon Stoessl, Andrea Townson & Judy Illes - 2016 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (4):613-622.
    :Recent neuroimaging research on disorders of consciousness provides direct evidence of covert consciousness otherwise not detected clinically in a subset of severely brain-injured patients. These findings have motivated strategic development of binary communication paradigms, from which researchers interpret voluntary modulations in brain activity to glean information about patients’ residual cognitive functions and emotions. The discovery of such responsiveness raises ethical and legal issues concerning the exercise of autonomy and capacity for decisionmaking on matters such as healthcare, involvement in research, and (...)
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  27.  16
    The Riddle of Oedipus.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):126.
    What is the riddle of Oedipus? This paper is an exploration of the philosophy involved in Sophocles’ famous play Oedipus Tyrannus. The play involves a riddler who becomes king, a man who is famously good at understanding what others find obscure, and yet is unable to see it when he is confronted by an obvious set of uncomfortable truths about himself. As well as for Oedipus, the play poses a number of different riddles for us: in particular it is a (...)
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    Is the Moral Point of View Monological or Dialogical?: The Kantian Background of Habermas' Discourse Ethics.Grace Clement - 1989 - Philosophy Today 33 (2):159-173.
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  29. Engineers and Social Responsibility: An Obligation to Do Good.Stephen Cohen & Grace Damian - 1994 - IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 13 (3).
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  30. Desiring To Believe.Grace Yee - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):446-455.
    As a doxastic voluntarist, I am of the view that what I believe stems from what I want. This does not mean that I believe what I want when I want. It does not mean that in desiring to believe that p, I can bring about the belief that p—just like that. This is not what doxastic voluntarism is about. It must, however, be noted that this is the very conception opponents of the doctrine hold. Doxastic involuntarists maintain that voluntarism (...)
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    Caffeine Promotes Global Spatial Processing in Habitual and Non-Habitual Caffeine Consumers.Grace E. Giles, Caroline R. Mahoney, Tad T. Brunyé, Holly A. Taylor & Robin B. Kanarek - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Nuclear alignment of ytterbium 175.M. A. Grace, C. E. Johnson, R. G. Scurlock & R. T. Taylor - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (21):1079-1084.
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    The Linguistic Construction of Reality.George William Grace - 1987 - Routledge.
    This book, originally published in 1987, considers how the science of linguistics creates its own objects of study. It argues that language is the one essential tool in the ‘social construction of reality’ – the way in which our environment as we perceive and respond to it is actually created by the cultural constructs we bring to bear on it – and that it is also the means by which this reality, once constructed, is preserved and transmitted from person to (...)
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    An fMRI Investigation into Facial Affect Perception in Body Dysmorphic Disorder.Grace Sally, Buchanan Ben, Hughes Matthew, Maller Jerome, Nibbs Richard, Castle David & Rossell Susan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    School Leadership: Beyond Educational Management. An Essay in Policy Scholarship.G. Grace - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):229-230.
  36. Thought Experiments as Tools of Theory Clarification.Grace Helton - 2023 - In Kevin McCain, Scott Stapleford & Matthias Steup (eds.), Seemings: New Arguments, New Angles. New York, NY: Routledge.
    It is widely presumed that intuitions about thought experiments can help overturn philosophical theories. It is also widely presumed, albeit implicitly, that if thought experiments play any epistemic role in overturning philosophical theories, it is via intuition. In this paper, I argue for a different, neglected epistemic role of philosophical thought experiments, that of improving some reasoner’s appreciation both of what a theory’s predictions consist in and of how those predictions tie to elements of the theory. I call this role (...)
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    Existence and potentiality.Grace A. De Laguna - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (2):155-176.
  38. The role of teleonomy in evolution.Grace A. De Laguna - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (2):117-131.
    The papers presented at the Chicago Darwin Centennial suggest a fresh approach to the philosophical problem of ends in nature. In order to avoid the implications of "teleology," assumed to refer only to the process of evolution as directed towards goals, the discussants use "teleonomy" in reference to the biological organism as end-directed . They accept "teleonomy" only as descriptive, and neglect its significance for theory. The present thesis is that each of the three recognized phases of universal evolution: inorganic, (...)
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    Horace: Odes: Four New Translations.Sophie Grace Chappell - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):123.
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    On existence and the human world.Grace Andrus De Laguna - 1966 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  41. Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice.Pamela June Grace & Melissa K. Uveges (eds.) - 2018 - Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
    This book focuses in an in-depth way on the particular problems faced by nurses in various advanced practice roles across the life-span and in front-line care. It is comprehensive textbook broken out into three sections: philosophical foundation, ethics, and specialty focus.
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  42. Why the Jesus as mother tradition undermines the symbolic argument against women's ordination.Grace Hibshman - 2023 - Religious Studies.
    The symbolic argument against women's ordination supposes that the theological significance of Christ's sex is his saving relationship to the Church, which takes the form of that of a bridegroom and his bride. It infers that a male priest alone is fit to represent Christ in his capacity as the Saviour of the Church, and thus that only men should be ordained. Since the emergence of the symbolic argument, however, scholars have rediscovered a long tradition of understanding Christ's saving relationship (...)
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    Viejos y nuevos pensamientos.J. J. Acero, L. Flores & A. Flórez (eds.) - 2003 - Editorial Comares.
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    The Spirit and the Heap: Berkeley and Hume on the Self and Self-Consciousness.Talia Mae Bettcher - 1999 - Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles
    This dissertation concerns an important dispute between George Berkeley and David Hume. The dispute involves Berkeley's defense of his conception of the self as a spirit, a purely active being which perceives ideas; and Hume's elimination of that conception via his own, according to which the self is merely a heap, a causally connected system of perceptions. At bottom, this difference in the way that the self is conceptualized is informed by a fundamental difference in philosophical starting-point. Berkeley seeks to (...)
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    Nominata dos avalidores ad hoc 2010.Roberto Caldeira Flores Junior - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (19):161-163.
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    Perfil sociodemográfico del empleo doméstico y crisis económica en México, 1970-2020.Amalia Itzmaltzin Flores Meza, Tomás Serrano Avilés & María Félix Quezada Ramírez - 2022 - Odeere 7 (2):136-154.
    Este artículo analiza el perfil sociodemográfico de la población de 12 años y más ocupada en el empleo doméstico, considerando las variables edad, sexo, migración, condición de hablante de lengua indígena, escolaridad, seguridad social e ingresos, en un contexto de crisis económica. La fuente de información usada corresponde a los microdatos de los Censos de Población y Vivienda del Instituto Nacional de Geografía e Informática (INEGI, 1970-2020). Los resultados sugieren que el empleo doméstico es un fenómeno decreciente, se constata como (...)
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  47. The Big Bang of History. Visualism in Technoscience.Fernando Flores Morador - 2012 - Lund University.
    The traditional presentation about historical time-passing consists in a linear succession of facts in which some aspects of the lifeworld evolve from others in anirreversible manner. The presentation of change is connected to the presentation of gradual or revolutionary linear changes that areirrevocable. I believe that this presentation could be considered correct for living organisms, but does not take account of some important aspects of demonstrative presentations about artefacts and technologies. For example, we can ontologically assume that “hammer-beating” evolved from (...)
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  48. My life with Morris : a feminist account of friendship and conversion in a bicultural context.Grace Y. Kao - 2018 - In Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel, Matthew Eaton & Timothy Harvie (eds.), Encountering earth: thinking theologically with a more-than-human world. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
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    Competency frameworks, nursing perspectives, and interdisciplinary collaborations for good patient care: Delineating boundaries.Maya Zumstein-Shaha & Pamela J. Grace - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12402.
    To enhance patient care in the inevitable conditions of complexity that exist in contemporary healthcare, collaboration among healthcare professions is critical. While each profession necessarily has its own primary focus and perspective on the nature of human healthcare needs, these alone are insufficient for meeting the complex needs of patients (and potential patients). Persons are inevitably contextual entities, inseparable from their environments, and are subject to institutional and social barriers that can detract from good care or from accessing healthcare. These (...)
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    If microbial ecosystem therapy can change your life, what's the problem?Grace Ettinger, Jeremy P. Burton & Gregor Reid - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (6):508-512.
    The increased incidence of morbidity and mortality due to Clostridium difficile infection, had led to the emergence of fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) as a highly successful treatment. From this, a 32 strain stool substitute has been derived, and successfully tested in a pilot human study. These approaches could revolutionize not only medical care of infectious diseases, but potentially many other conditions linked to the human microbiome. But a second revolution may be needed in order for regulatory agencies, society and medical (...)
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